
Thursday, October 27, 2011

To Sleep Perchance to Dream

It’s the middle of the night and I’m awake.  As soon as I opened my eyes, I knew what time it was without looking at the clock.  2:45 AM.  I rolled over, hoping to find Morpheus again, but Mr. DN is there instead and snoring.  Rain is pelting down on the tin roof of the second floor over the kitchen below.  It’s no use.  I have to get up.

It’s a wonder I can sleep at all.  Time seems to be speeding up faster and faster these days.  I blink and another has passed by.  Gone are those exquisite summer days of my childhood where time seemed to stand still.  For a moment, I wonder, briefly, if that is what Terrance McKenna was experiencing during his psychedelic drug induced visions deep in the steamy jungles of South America – a realization that as you get older, time does indeed seem to move faster.  He came up with Timewave Zero.  I feel remorse.

The remorse I feel is not for the golden days of my past, it is for our future.  I’ve been watching the events unfold surrounding the Occupy Wall Street movement with a strange detachment.  While I fully understand and sympathize where they are coming from - I have been raging against that machine for years - I can only imagine where it all will lead.  The Corporatocracy has its talons in too deep into our economic and political systems that to rend them free would surely cause a mortal wound to our society.  It is a sobering thought.  Too sobering when all I want to do is sleep.

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